how many of you enthusiastic runners know how to make this beautiful sport run in your family? how many of you genuinely think about spreading its good to your loved ones? how many of you believe that this healthy road you have taken, could bring with it so many benefits to your family?the intention of this short article is exactly that. to give you some ideas as to how you can use your training to bond with your family, in particular the little ones in your life, and pass on the benefits of a healthier you to your family.
do sit-ups/planks/skipping at home – one of your younger family members can can help count, do it with you or u can give them a whistle to start or stop (imagine a little 2 year old helping you out on this exercise?)
ask little ones to lace up your (clean) running shoes? how cool would that be for your kid to actually lace you up before that long daunting run? hmm on second thought, don’t do that, your kids needs to be sleeping 3 in the morning! but hey those evening runs perhaps?
icing is something we runners should do on a regular basis (injury or not). you ice your children when they hurt themselves, and when you are back from a run, its their turn to ice you while you talk about the run and what the run does to your body and why you are icing
print the training plan and stick it up where they can also see it. give em a sticker sheet to give you stars on completed trainings (just like a teacher)
involve them in the kitchen to identify different food types, to prepare food and ask them to suggest the proteins and carbs for you at the right time. (hopefully it won’t backfire when they learn that broccoli can give you gas and best avoided before the run!)
on a tough training day, arrange a treat that they are also involved with? after that 32km long run perhaps? celebrate the run with them, teach them how you managed to get through it when you are tempted to give up and relate it to something in their lives
use your knowledge to teach them about how the body works and how to take care of bodies, (healthy eating, sleeping, resting, breathing, hydration).
talk with them about why you like the sport that you have chosen, tell them how a healthier you will benefit them too (its not all about looking slim!)
use your experiences with your training buddies to teach them how to select the friends in their lives who will improve and motivate them! (with teenagers you can extend this discussion to choosing partners who support your dreams)
use your increased fitness levels in the time you spend with them (take the stairs instead of lift with them, play football, jump over pillows/cushion on the floor, go for walks)
work together on a sign they can hold up to support you and other runners and bring them to cheer you on the race day or to greet you at home!
running can be a great way to stay healthy, to be humble and to be disciplined. why limit these beautiful virtues to just yourself when just a tiny little effort could make