runners FAQ

Feb 5, 2020

lamsa | 3 min(s)

Health, Marathon, Lifestyle, Tips

what do you eat 24 hours before your race?

i drink water very religiously during the final 24 hours before my race. maybe a glass or two every hour that i’m awake. grain bread and pastas are among the food items for carb intake that i take during this time. and dates and pistachios as snacks.

what do you use during your races to fuel your body?

i’ve never been a big fan of energy gels. i didn’t use it at all in my first or second marathon in Maldives. first time i used energy gel was in my farewell marathon in Turkey in november 2017. having consumed energy gels to get me through my first couple of spartan races, i have come to a point where i do not use any, starting from my most recent trifecta weekend in Oman december 2018. ever since then i’ve discovered that rather than extra fueling for energy, salt tabs and electrolytes infused water are more necessary for me as they help prevent cramping. for energy i prefer bananas and if i’m doing a full marathon or ultra a shot of flat coca cola definitely does wonders at the lowest of energy levels.

how much should i drink during the race?

i’ve always consumed plain water/electrolytes infused water every 2.5 kms whether i’m thirsty or not because it’s not the smartest thing to wait until you feel dehydrated to start the process of hydration during any race. if i’m not carrying any hydration pack, then i make sure i have some amount of water at every water station available.

what’s your best advice for the times during a race when you are at your lowest?

i always keep in mind that once i cross the start line to begin a race, giving up is not an option. i also keep in mind that every step i take (however slow or fast) will take me closer to the finish line. when i am really really at my lowest i think of a bottle of coca cola that awaits me at the finish line lol. in all seriousness, i tell myself that i can only finish this race if i keep moving and thats what keeps me going.

what is your advice for the next 24 hours soon after a race?

must do some recovery running or swift walking to lower the intensity of DOMs. if your race distance was more than half a marathon then perhaps 5km of movement would help tonnes. likewise must sleep too but ideally not more than 7 hours. must keep taking proteins and carbs to restore and recover your muscles and energy levels in your body. hydration counts just as much! and most importantly how ever common it is for you to complete races, must always celebrate “winning” with your loved ones because every single race completed is a brand new story and a brand new achievement.

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