sportlight - lee grantham

Feb 4, 2020

TfG | 3 min(s)

People, Marathon, Running

another exciting character to run in maldives (Coca-Cola runinlaamu) is Lee Grantham. he completed London Marathon at an impressive time of 2:21:43 that earned himself an England national team call up! in 2017, lee won the Celtic Plate 100k and became the 5th fastest Brit of all time 100k with 6:42:42. That is insanely fast! and lee is almost sane, but most definitely insanely fast a runner!

so when you line up to run the marathon on this saturday morning, be sure to get out of the way! lee will be giving us a record that will become a benchmark for many other runs to come. can he beat his London Marathon time? Its surely something we will only know, hopefully before 4:30am on this coming saturday!

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